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SubjectRe: [OT] Re: Troll Tech [was Re: Sco vs. IBM]
> It would be a zillion times better, in my mind, if there was significant
> effort in creating business models which allow open source to be self
> sustaining. Rather than beating up on each and every company that
> doesn't just GPL everything and hand it over, it would be nice if this
> community was trying to find ways to be healthy without any dependency
> on the companies which are creating the ideas which are being copied.
> That way, if those companies go away, open source is self sustaining.
> That would be nothing but a good thing. If I'm right, it's a really
> important thing, if I'm wrong, it's still a fine thing to have open
> source have more ways to support itself.
> --
d> ---
> Larry McVoy lm at

I usually never respond to political rants on LK, but has it ever occurred
to you that maybe software creation in all its forms is just
overvalued financially?

That Open source is reseting the equilibrium, of the computer industry
to a more sane level? why should any software cost more then say a book?

If Sun goes out of business it might just be a sign that as a industry
is maturing?

Sorry about being off-topic, and whistling in the dark at the same time.
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