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SubjectRe: [PATCH 2.5.71-mm1] aio process hang on EINVAL
Joel Becker wrote:

>But POSIX specifes that all detection that can happen before queuing should.
The kernel would have to be substantially more complex to report all
errors that could possibly be detected during queuing. The kernel could
even detect success during queuing if it really tried.

This is not a reasonable requirement. A correctly written program has
to be able to handle errors reported asynchronously. Why else would
they be using an asynchronous API?

> You also now require a poll round and aditional system call to
>see the errors. In addition, you waste resources until you pick up the
>errorneous call.
So? That is a miniscule amount of resources used by an extremely rare
condition. Such a picayune optimization hardly justifies the necessary
increase in complexity.

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