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SubjectRe: PROBLEM: 2.4.21 crashes hard running cdrecord in X.
On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 05:56, Jan Knutar wrote:

> Exactly the same experiences here, with 2 different motherboards and 2
> different CD-RW drives, with various stock kernels since 2.4.9 or so.
> Exactly the same resolution too, kill magicdev, and everything works
> fine.
> My machine would sometimes survive slightly longer, usually locking up
> during fixating a disc. It would typically spit out massive amounts of
> SCSI and IDE errors, while effectively locking up the machine for, what
> at first was about 10 seconds at a time with a split second in an
> unlocked state, but that would eventually worsen into a permanently
> hard-locked state.
> Curiously enough, doing hdparm -y /dev/hdb (the cd burner), during one
> of those split second unlocked states, would usually save the system.
> It became standard practice for me to have an xterm su'd, in focus and
> ready with "hdparm -y /dev/hdb" in it, while wiggling the mouse to see
> when the pointer would freeze, to hit enter when/if it unfroze again 8-)

So counting myself, it sounds like there are at least 3 of us
experiencing a similar problem. I didn't mention it in my original
post, but it's probably worth noting that I only started seeing this in
2.4.21. I was running on 2.4.20 with the same setup for a long time,
and happily burning cds with magicdev running at the same time without
any trouble.

Per Nystrom <>

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