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SubjectRe: Xeon processors &&Hyper-Threading
Thanks, I was asked this by one of our clients, and told them that they 
would probably have to recompile their kernel.


Richard B. Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, Joe wrote:
>>Does Linux support the Xeon (p4) processor and its capabilities?
>>The company I work for recently ported its application to Linux and one
>>of our current HP clients asked this and I figure it would be just a
>>recompile the kernel as a P4, but not sure if this would do it.
>>I'm not asking if Linux can RUN the Xeon processor.
>>I'm asking if Linux processor takes any advantage of the Hyper-Threading
>>built into this processor?
>>below is a link to more info on this.
> You recompile the kernel for SMP as well as P4. If the motherboard
> hasn't disabled HT capabilities, you will take full advantage of
> the processor under Linux. Whatever "full advantage" means, is
> not absolute, but whatever it is, will be used to its fullest.
> Basically, if the code is I/O bound, you'll not see any difference.
> If the code is compute-intensive, you will.
> Cheers,
> Dick Johnson
> Penguin : Linux version 2.4.20 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
> Why is the government concerned about the lunatic fringe? Think about it.

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