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SubjectRe: [OT] joining the "elite" team
Typical HR wonk speak.  The clue less ones at work, nothing here for you, move along now ;)


Alfie John wrote:
> Hello,
> I write to you in response to an add I saw at, "OBJECT
> I find this add highly arrogant and highly contradictive.
> You start with "seeking for ...FIRST CLASS HONOURS", however your add is
> basically searching for a top class, 313373 computer geek. As history
> shows, even hacker's hackers like RMS and Linus had not-so "first class"
> grades while in high school AND at uni because they were too busy with
> selfish delites such as churning through kernel code.
> The next contradictive statement is "She or he must have an INTRINSIC
> understanding of computing". But later you provide insight to your
> company with "The applications are an amalgam of complex business
> processes, maximisation of resources, and require considerable
> mathematical acumen." In other words, you need MS Excel shitkickers with
> knowledge in business management with contemporary management skills and
> not elite coders with sk1llZ. Also, I don't really understand why
> "indepth knowledge of OOP" is going to help me with optimizing functions
> with spreadsheets.
> "The company only employs THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST"; followed by "It is
> very sophisticated." and the even more arrogant "An average person will
> be unable to keep up with the high intellectual horsepower generated by
> the members of this elite team.". This tells the reader that you MUST
> have the worlds best coders under your organization and yet you are
> I must go now with my pittyful programming skills which are no where
> near the "EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD" skills that your company is looking for,
> but I smile just to know that this email is going to be forwarded to
> programmers around the world with a link to your add to show just what
> an "elite team" you really are!
> int 20h;
> Alfie John
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-./\\//\.- two dead men got up to fight //\.-' |/~\|
_\_UU_/_ back to back they faced each other U_/_ |_ /o:__
"""""""""" drew their swords & shot each other!""""""""(_/\_/

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