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SubjectRe: The disappearing sys_call_table export.
On Fri, 9 May 2003 wrote:

> On Fri, 09 May 2003 14:27:22 EDT, "Richard B. Johnson" said:
> > powered OFF. Microsoft installed Magic Lantern software within
> > the kernel and within all software updates, (service Pack 2 of
> > Win/2000/Prof as part of their deal with the Justice Department
> > when our attention was diverted after 9/11. This allows any
> > "Duly Authorized...." person to extract the contents of anything,
> > any time it's on the network. Magic Lantern is the hook for
> > "Carnivore" (and others) that uses bits in the same packet area
> > as the ECN bits to tell the M$ kernel not to forward the attached
> > packet on to mail, but to use it as a command for an internal spy
> > engine that sends information back using the same methods. Since
> Umm.. I'm well known as being both a Microsoft and US Govt basher myself, but...
> Is this tinfoil-helmet time, or do you have any evidence to back this up?
Google search isn't enough? Try Magic Lantern, get past the stuff
about old-time movies and onto ZDNET-news, Electronic Privacy information
center, etc., etc. Even the FBI admits it, check out the court-orders,

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.4.20 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
Why is the government concerned about the lunatic fringe? Think about it.

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