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SubjectRe: The disappearing sys_call_table export.
Christoph Hellwig wrote:

>Maybe you have a different notion of proper mechanism then everyone
Out of personal interest - would a mechanism that promised the following
be considered a "proper mechanism"?
1. Work on all platforms.
2. Allow load and unload in arbitrary order and timings (which also
means "be race free").
3. Have low/zero overhead if not used

Would you also require:
4. Have reasonable overhead when used
a "must have" demand? Would, on the other hand, a:
4b. Have zero overhead when used for functions not hooked
be an alternative demand?

I'm currently trying to work with some other subscribers of this list on
a design. Getting 1, 2 and 3 is a complicated enough task, of course. I
would like to hear estimates about inclusion chances should we manage to
come up with an implmentation that lives up to all the above.


Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
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