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SubjectRe: Binary firmware in the kernel - licensing issues.
On Tue, 6 May 2003, J. Bruce Fields wrote:

> On Tue, May 06, 2003 at 03:19:54PM +0300, Matti Aarnio wrote:
> > On Tue, May 06, 2003 at 12:38:54PM +0100, Simon Kelley wrote:
> > > I shall contact Atmel for advice and clarification but my question for
> > > the list is, what should I ask them to do? It's unlikely that they will
> > > release the source to the firmware and even if they did I wouldn't want
> > > firmware source in the kernel tree since the kernel-build toolchain
> > > won't be enough to build the firmware. What permissions do they have to
> > > give to make including this stuff legal and compatible with the rest of
> > > the kernel?
> >
> > Adding a phrase like: "This firmware binary block is intended to be
> > used in BSD/GPL licensed driver" would definitely clarify it.
> > Possibly adding:
> > "Source code/further explanations for this binary block
> > are available at file FFFF.F / are not available."
> It's not Atmel whose permission you need to do this, it's the other
> kernel developers whose permission you need. By releasing their code
> under the GPL, the people who hold copyright on all the other kernel
> code have essentially given you permission to modify and redistribute
> their code as long as you make source available for the resulting work.
> The question is whether adding this binary blob to the linux kernel
> violates the license that the kernel developers gave you. I can't see
> how Amtel saying it's OK would make it so.
> --Bruce Fields

I don't see anybody sending the contents of the PALs, ASICs, and
other components on your motherboard. Modern machines have all
those bits loaded upon power-up. Before the power is applied,
the components aren't even connected. The same is true for
many disk drive boards, screen-card boards, etc. The manufacturer
will supply a bucket of bits, plus instructions on how to
load them into the hardware. I don't see how this violates either
the wording or the spirit of GPL. The manufacturer certainly
isn't going to supply the "source", which is the output of a
graphical program where the Engineers spent the last year
designing the board. If this kind of BS continues, Linux
will go the way of the Hippie culture.

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.4.20 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
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