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SubjectRe: [PATCH] kmalloc_percpu
In message <> you write:
> Rusty Russell <> wrote:
> >
> > This is the kmalloc_percpu patch.
> How does it work? What restrictions does it have, and
> what compromises were made?
> +#define PERCPU_POOL_SIZE 32768
> What's this?

OK. It has a size restriction: PERCPU_POOL_SIZE is the maximum total
kmalloc_percpu + static DECLARE_PER_CPU you'll get, ever. This is the
main downside. It's allocated at boot.

The __alloc_percpu allocator is extremely space efficient, by not
insisting on cache-line aligning everything: __alloc_percpu(SIZE)
overhead is sizeof(int), plus SIZE bytes (rounded up to alignment
requirements) removed from per-cpu pool.

The allocator is fairly slow: they're not expected to be thrown around
like candy.

> The current implementation of kmalloc_per_cpu() turned out to be fairly
> disappointing because of the number of derefs which were necessary to get at
> the data in fastpaths. How does this implementation compare?

It uses the same method as the static ones, so it's a single addition
of __per_cpu_offset (assuming arch doesn't override implementation).
This is a requirement for modules to use them (which was my aim: the
other side effects are cream).

Hope that clarifies,
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