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SubjectRe: Algoritmic Complexity Attacks and 2.4.20 the dcache code
On 29 May 2003 20:57:47 -0700, "David S. Miller" <> writes:

> On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 13:42, Scott A Crosby wrote:
> > I highly advise using a universal hashing library, either our own or
> > someone elses. As is historically seen, it is very easy to make silly
> > mistakes when attempting to implement your own 'secure' algorithm.
> Why are you recommending this when after 2 days of going back
> and forth in emails with me you came to the conclusion that for
> performance critical paths such as the hashes in the kernel the Jenkins
> hash was an acceptable choice?

That was a boilerplate paragraph in all the other vulnerability
reports I shipped out today. Perhaps I should have stripped out out or
replaced it.

> It is unacceptably costly to use a universal hash,

Yup the Jenkin's is about 5 times faster than our CW construction on
SPARC, and thus likely at least as much faster on a wide variety of
other CPU's. I do not know if the dcache hash is performance critical,
nor do I know if there exists other more efficient universal hash

In any case, the attacks I describe are strong in relative terms, but
rather weak in terems of actual impact, so fixing it may not matter

> Some embedded folks will have your head on a platter if we end up using
> a universal hash function for the DCACHE solely based upon your advice.
> :-)

Have you seen the current dcache function?

/* Linux dcache */
#define HASH_3(hi,ho,c) ho=(hi + (c << 4) + (c >> 4)) * 11

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