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    SubjectRe: [BK PATCHES] add ata scsi driver
    Linus Torvalds wrote:
    > One prime example of this is cdrecord, and the incredible braindamage that
    > the name "SCSI" foisted upon it. Why? Because everybody (ie schily)
    > _knows_ that SCSI is addressed by bus/id/lun, and thinks that anything
    > else is wrong. So you have total idiocies like the "cdrecord -scanbus"
    > crap for finding your device, and totally useless naming that makes no
    > sense in any sane environment.
    > Calling something SCSI when it isn't brings on these kinds of bad things:
    > people make assuptions that aren't sensible or desireable.
    > Names have power. There's baggage and assumptions in a name. In the case
    > of SCSI, there is a _lot_ of baggage.

    Now that argument I can buy.

    There's still helper functions to be created before a native block
    driver can directly use struct requests for fully native queueing.
    Brand new device, host registration code. PM, hotplug, yadda yadda. It
    winds up being a lot of code still, and it not as simple as you and Jens
    seem to be making the task out to be. That's why I brought up

    If all that work is to be done for a brand new, native block driver, we
    should at least intend on using the code as a bus-agnostic command
    transport layer, with packages of helpers like my current "libata" doing
    the command set work (and sometimes, some amount of low-level driver
    work, where commonality exists).


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