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SubjectRe: Linux 2.5.70

On 27 May 2003, Alan Cox wrote:
> Architectures are also normally just a sync up job and its again easier
> to do once the core has stoppee changing.

Indeed. I think its more the rule than the exception that non-x86
architectures "get with the program" sometime during the stable release
rather than before. There's just not a lot of incentive for the odd-ball
architectures to care before the fact.

Would I prefer to have everything fixed by 2.6.0 (or even the pre-2.6
kernels)? Sure, everybody would. But it's just a fact of life that we
won't see people who care about the issues before that happens.

In fact, judging by past performance, a lot of things won't get fixed
before the actual vendors have made _releases_ that use 2.6.x (and the
first ones inevitably will have 2.4.x as a fall-back: that's only prudent
and sane).

This is not just a core kernel issue - we've seen this with subsystems
like ext3 and ReiserFS: they were "finished' and "stable", but what made
them _really_ stable was a release or two on vendor kernels, and thousands
of users.


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