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SubjectRe: [patch] futex requeueing feature, futex-requeue-2.5.69-D3
On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 11:48:49AM +0200, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> no. The concept is: "dont cause the user any pain". Reshuffling the
> syscall internally and providing new interfaces for the feature to be
> exposed in a cleaner way is perfectly OK as long as this does not hurt
> anything else - and it does not in this case. New glibc will use the new
> syscalls and will fall back to the old one if they are -ENOSYS, so new
> glibc will work on older kernels as well. Old glibc will work with old
> kernels and new kernels as well. This is being done for other interfaces
> currently, this is the only mechanism to 'flush out' old syscalls
> gracefully.

I don't think anyone disagreed with that (at least not me). The only
thing I argued is that we don't need the usual flush-out period of two
stable series because this syscall never was implemented in any relead
stable kernel but rather a much shorter one so that this feature never
hits a released stable kernel.

Linus disagrees strongly so we'll have to keep this crap around for five
years - that's just yet another bit of bloat growing everyones kernel
but no irreperable damage.

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