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SubjectRe: Kernel panic with pptpd when mss > mtu
On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 09:14:42AM +1000, Menno Smits wrote:
> I'm seeing a kernel oops with 2.4.20 which seems to be related to the
> PopTop PPTP server. When certain clients connect in (seems to be
> Win98) and begin large data transfers the kernel will reliably oops.
> The system crashes hard, the oops doesn't make it to the logs.
> I have been able to deal with the issue by using the workaround
> suggested in the the second post. That is, adding netfilter rules with
> the TCPMSS target to limit the TCP MSS to PMTU - 40. Apparently the
> problem is triggered by the MSS being bigger than the MTU (which is
> 750 in this case).

Yup. win98 ignores the negotiated MRU from the PPP peer (MTU on the win98
side) and sends PPP packets larger than MTU. As you've discovered. :-)

Linux doesn't allocate enough space for the decompressor output, and the
mppe module doesn't properly check that enough space exists. (That's
because PPP MPPE packets *shrink* after "decompression", and the mppe
module assumes at least the same amount of space as the PPP packet is
allocated for the decompressor.)

Grab the latest which corrects both
of the above problems.

I'll be posting a patch to lkml to correct the decompressor allocation
problem, shortly (a few weeks).

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