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SubjectRe: [dri] x startup hangs again... ~2.5.69-bk5
On Wed, 2003-05-14 at 11:14, Andreas Happe wrote:

> I've changed the settings around 2.5.69 because i've tried to get the
> linux neverwinter nights client running smoother and have forgotten to
> remove it from the config file. I must have been lucky until 2.5.69-bk5
> which started to crash my system (so there isn't a regression, just a
> "normal" instability (of which i have been warned...).

I am not so sure. I have a geforce3 ti5, that has been running fine
with nvidia drivers 1.0.4363 (yes, I know they are not supported here).

Thing is, until 2.5.69-bk1/2/3, it have been running fine, and with
bk7/8, I have had X dieing when just scrolling a window in evolution
or galeon. This is usually if it had been up for a few hours.

Thus, basically with the same drivers/X/whatever, it has been
working fine for day no reboot, but somewhere after bk3 something
is causing it to misbehave.

The mobo is a Asus P4C800 (Intel 875p chipset), with the agp running
in 4x mode.


Martin Schlemmer

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