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SubjectRe: [PATCH] new kconfig goodies
Roman Zippel <> writes:

|> Hi,
|> On Tue, 13 May 2003, Miles Bader wrote:
|> > BTW, the name `enable' seems to be a misnomer -- `enable' implies that it
|> > forces the depends to be y, but not that it also forces the _value_.
|> >
|> > Why not have two:
|> >
|> > enable FOO - forces the `depends' value of FOO to y
|> > but it will still prompt
|> > force FOO - forces both the `depends' and value of FOO to y
|> > prompting for FOO is turned off
|> I don't really like "force", it's IMO a bit too strong and too unspecific
|> (although enable is here only a bit better). The first I'd rather call
|> "visible", but I don't see a need for this and I wouldn't immediately know
|> how to support this, a config entry can have multiple prompts and every
|> prompt has its own dependencies, so which one should I enable? It would
|> probably be easier to enable/force the dependencies so the prompt becomes
|> visible.
|> But I'm open to suggestions for a better name, "select" might be a good
|> alternative. Other ideas? Opinions?

How about "override"?


Andreas Schwab, SuSE Labs,
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