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SubjectRe: anyone ever implemented a reparent(pid) syscall?
Werner Almesberger wrote:
> Chris Friesen wrote:
>> I would like some way for the main one to restart, read the list of pids
>> out of a file that it conveniently stashed away,

> And until it has done this, any child death will still only be seen by init.
> So you either didn't have a problem with this in the first place, or you
> can make sure your children don't die while their parents are changing, or
> you've just designed yourself a race condition.

Sure. So the monitorer starts up, attempts to watch a pid, gets an error saying
that it doesn't exist, and handles it.

In the particular case that I'm planning for, the processes in question are
long-running ones which should never die except for upgrades (which could be
designed for).

The general case would be trickier.


Chris Friesen | MailStop: 043/33/F10
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