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    SubjectRe: Loading a module multtiple times
    In message <> you write:
    > Hi Rusty-
    > I was looking into a bug in /proc/net/dev truncated output.
    > /proc/net/dev lists {if (!buggy)} all loaded network interfaces.
    > To get a large number of network interfaces, Christian (below)
    > told me to copy driver/net/dummy.o to several different file names
    > and then insmod them. It seems to have worked for him, and it works
    > that way in 2.4.recent, but it's not working for me. See error
    > messages below.
    > Which way is expected behavior?
    > What should be the expected behavior?
    > or am I just seeing bugs (failures) that noone else sees?

    No, it's a 2.5 thing: modules know their own name. This is because
    (1) the names are used to set new-style boot parameters, (2) needing
    to insert two modules is usually wrong, since how would that work if
    the module was built-in?

    It also opens us up to the possibility of a list of built-in modules,
    if we wanted to.

    However, the -o option to modprobe replaces the module name (by
    hacking the elf object, yes), because programmers are basically lazy,
    and multiple modules are useful for testing.

    So, you want:
    for i in `seq 1 100`; do modprobe -o dummy$i dummy; done

    This works on 2.4 as well. Note that insmod doesn't support -o, being
    a trivial program by design.

    > It seems like not supporting this is likely to cause some problems.

    Yes. Removing any feature causes problems 8(. But adding every
    feature is usually worse.

    Hope this clarifies?
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