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SubjectRe: 2.5.67 kernel BUG at fs/buffer.c:2538
On Tue, 2003-04-08 at 09:27, Steven Cole wrote:
> This may be a case of:
> "It hurts when I do this:"
> "Then don't do that!"
> I started the latest security updated package of samba with
> kernel 2.5.67, but I had forgotten to set CONFIG_SMB_FS.
> The box became unresponsive, and then locked hard. Didn't respond
> to pings, etc. So I had to alt-sysrq-b. Now, samba is broken somehow,
> ERROR: Samba cannot create a SAM SID.
> so I can't presently retest with SMB_FS=y and 2.5.67 or with
> the vendor kernel (2.4.21-0.13mdk). Unfortunately I had not yet
> tested the new security updated packages for samba with the vendor kernel.
> However dumb it was to start samba without SMB_FS enabled,
> the box shouldn't die like this.
> I'm going to replace Bamboo with Shrike on that machine today,
> so I won't be able to reproduce this anytime soon. (I hope).
Replying to myself with an update. After reading the fs/Kconfig help
for SMB_FS I now realize that having that compiled in or not was
orthogonal to starting the samba server.

I installed Redhat 9 (Shrike) on the test box, and tested samba with
both the vendor kernel and 2.5.67 (with and without SMB_FS before I
realized that was not the issue). It all worked. Then I upgraded
the samba packages (security updates) and tested everything again, and
it still all works.

I cannot reproduce the kernel BUG at fs/buffer.c:2538, at least not yet.


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