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SubjectRe: PROBLEM: Maestro sound module locks up the computer
Fredrik Jagenheim wrote:
> When playing music through the maestro sounddriver, the computer will lock up
> at irregular intervals. These lock ups will cause the entire machine to freeze,
> I've narrowed it down (I think) to the maestro driver as these lockups only
> happen when I play music. It doesn't matter if I use mplayer from console, or
> xmms from X, the lockups still happen. These lockups doesn't happen if I don't
> play music, so...

Maybe I have a similar problem. ESS Maestro 2E, OSS maestro.o driver,
kernel 2.4.18 (and all versions since 2.4.0), Toshiba 4100XCDt laptop.
However, here first the sound becomes somehow distorted and a few
minutes later the machine just powers off. For me, it looks like a
hardware failure because the same problem was visible when I got the
machine with WinNT preinstalled.

Could you please tell me if sound is distorted before the "hangs"? In
that case, try pausing the output and then continue playing. The
distortion should disappear and you should be safe from hangs until the
next distortion period.



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