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SubjectRe: Why DRM exists [was Re: Flame Linus to a crisp!]
Larry, in your opening remarks you stated:

"The open source community, in my opinion, is certainly a contributing
factor in the emergence of the DMCA and DRM efforts."

DMCA, clearly no, the time frame is wrong.

Current --in production-- DRM. Clearly no. Current DRM is mostly all
targeted to audio / video content protection.

So, nothing that we have *today* is a response to Open Source. And
speaking to your statement, Open Source wasn't the cause of it emerging in
the first place.

Is "Trusted Computing/Palladium" a response to Open Source apps reading
file formats from commercial products? Maybe.

Or is it an attempt (well, it isn't out yet) of MS to:

1. Finally "solve" the Windows virus problem?
2. Make developers pay a fee to MS get their app signed so it will run
on Windows?
3. Solve software piracy?

I hope it does solve software piracy. If users were confronted with the
true cost of running the pirated commercial software installed on their
windows boxes, they will likely look for alternatives like Open Source

Dax Kelson

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