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    SubjectRe: Why DRM exists [was Re: Flame Linus to a crisp!]
    Jamie Lokier wrote:
    > Scott Robert Ladd wrote:
    >>The coherency you seek lies in seeing a common thread of wanting
    >>something for nothing. Free software developers often clone products
    >>developed by commercial companies; this is taking a free ride (something
    >>for nothing) on the R&D budget of the corporation.
    > Who, exactly, do you think creates resources in the first place which
    > form the basis of commercial software which is eventually cloned?
    > A significant portion is from tax-funded univerities and research labs.

    And where do you think taxes come from? Somebody pays for everything;
    there's no such thing as a free lunch.

    >>The effort that goes into designing quality software isn't just
    >>coding -- it's also research, design, focus groups, testing, and QA.
    > You think people writing Free Software don't do these things? You
    > think that billions of dollars worth of activity isn't spend on
    > developing Free Software?

    Certainly, free software does some of these thing; it varies greatly
    from individual to indvidual, but we all contribute time, code, and
    knowledge. Sadly, society tends to measure contributions in dollars and
    cents, given that we need those dollars and cents to feed, clothe, and
    house ourselves.

    >>I think it is quite reasonable for commercial entities to protect
    >>their investment in time, effort, and personnel.
    > Likewise people who put enormous effort into developing free software,
    > whether they are commercial entities or not - it is reasonable for
    > them to protect their investment.
    > Unfortunately some other entities want to deprive free software
    > authors of the fruits of their work. Think about it. It cuts both ways.

    I couldn't agree more.

    >>Understanding your opponent is the first step to converting an enemy to
    >>a friend. As it stands now, the confrontational attitude of many free
    >>software advocates is counterproductive. The more adversarial "free"
    >>software advocates act, the more companies will use money and law to
    >>protect themselves.
    > This is true, but it is true both ways. The more companies are
    > adversarial by using money and law to protect themselves, the more
    > free software advocates feel the need to have a confrontational
    > attitude.
    > I'm not advocating confrontational - just pointing out that the
    > natural consequences we observe apply to _both_ sides of the debate.
    > There's a lesson in this for smart commercial entities: don't
    > antagonise open source folks, cooperate with them, and they will give
    > back to you.

    Once again, I agree. My original article was in response to statements
    about commercial developers; indeed, the issue cuts both ways.

    >>This isn't about right-and-wrong, it's about power. That, perhaps, is
    >>the most painful lesson I learned in my years as an activist.
    > My sympathies to all activists everywhere. I have a Jewish friend who
    > is a peace activist in Palestine right now, and two of her
    > co-activists were recently killed there. Kinda puts things into
    > perspective.

    Damned right.

    >>If "right" wants to win out over "wrong", it must find power. If you
    >>don't have money or political clout, you need to find power elsewhere.
    >>But simply claiming "I'm right" -- even if you are -- isn't going to
    >>stop the corporate steamroller from flattening your band wagon.
    > Actually, it just might. Free Software / Open Source is such a
    > tremendous force for good - because it speaks to basic human desires
    > for freedom to do our own thing - that it is a source of power unto itself :)
    > Not because it claims to be right. But because it _is_ right :)

    That's why I'm here. I don't know about other people's motivations, but
    my involvement in free software stems from a recognition of its potential.

    But just because free software *is* right doesn't mean it will succeed
    in the long run... we need to be very certain of our motivations and


    Scott Robert Ladd
    Coyote Gulch Productions (
    Professional programming for science and engineering;
    Interesting and unusual bits of very free code.

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