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SubjectRe: Flame Linus to a crisp!
On Mon, 28 April 2003 03:35:10 -0700, Andre Hedrick wrote:
> Who will enforce the GPL over DRM violations?

Anyone that can an want to do it.

Who can enforce the GPL over DRM violations?

> Since it is a blanket over the entire kernel, and you have formally
> (for the most part) have authorized DRM, thus one assumes you are the only
> one who can pursue in a court of law.

My interpretation may be off, but imo I can enforce the GPL as long as
the violating company uses my code as part of their product. Basicaly,
almost anyone on this list can enforce violations against the kernel,
depending on what code has been included.

People may rip out the IDE code because they don't want Andre Hedrick
to have this opertunity, while ripping out all of Linus code should be
a lot harder. But in principle, everyone is equal.

> Regardless of what I or anyone thinks, this effective places total
> copyright to you. Additionally for you to have a legal position to stand
> on, it may be required for one to show you have total authority/assignment
> of the entire kernel.

Personally, I don't like these copyright assignment procedures. Before
signing any of them, I have to carefully read and reread them, not
missing the hidden legal implications. Why go through that mess, if
nothing forces us.

Am I wrong? Don't know.


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