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    SubjectRe: [Lse-tech] Re: maximum possible memory limit ..
    Dave Hansen wrote:
    > Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
    >>Cool. Sorry to be pestering about the 64-bit limits, but can we really
    >>use 2^64 bytes of memory on ia64/ppc64/x86-64 etc.? (AFAIK, 64-bit
    >>arches don't suffer from a small ZONE_LOWMEM.)
    > [...]
    > Don't forget that highmem starts to be needed before the 4G boundary.
    > The kernel has only 1GB of virtual space (look for PAGE_OFFSET, which
    > defines it), which means that you start needing to pull all of the
    > highmem trickery before you get to the actual limits.

    It seems I misunderstood the concept of highmem. I thought highmem was
    not needed on 64-bit arches. Thanks for pointing that out to me.
    > Nobody knows how far it will go. It's fairly safe to say that, at this
    > rate, Linux will keep up with whatever hardware anyone produces.

    That is the answer the original poster was looking for.

    > Unless, of course, someone gets even more perverse than PAE. :)

    hehe ;-) Can you say PAE in userspace?


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