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SubjectRe: PROBLEM: nfsroot.c + ipconfig.c (2.4.20)
[Trond Myklebust - Wed at 06:33:39PM +0200]

I'm pretty sure my problems stems from something fishy in the kernel
code, not simply because I don't know what I'm doing.

The FAQ above is not much up-to-date, either. I have a creeping
feeling that the nfsroot feature is not much used together with the
more recent kernel versions, as most modern computers are equipped
with harddisks. I'd like to hear success-stories from people that
have managed to do a diskless boot with a kernel of version 2.4.20 or
more recent.

According to a an earlier mail to this list (available at ) ipconfig
should be called from init/main.c:checksetup() - I can say for sure
that this does not take place, regardless of what options I feed the
kernel with.

In the 2.5.66-version of the kernel, the function above has been
renamed to obsolete_checksetup.

When booting up with 2.5.66, it also fails to load the network driver
in time. I know I have compiled the right driver into the kernel (and
not as a module).

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