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SubjectRe: Flame Linus to a crisp!
John Bradford wrote:

> Could we not take this idea to it's logical extreme, and simply
> calculate the results of every opcode, on every value, for every state
> of all of the registers, and store them in an array of DIMMs, and
> simply look up the necessary results? I.E. a cpu which is one _huge_
> look up table :-).

You can, if you can keep the internal state sufficiently small.
Say we want to keep the internal state down to 32 bit,
using a 16GB lookup table. (4G*32bit)

What would the state be? Perhaps one general-purpose
8-bit register, a 16-bit program counter and
8 bits left for the current opcode & flags.

Less opportunities than a 6502, but it'd sure be fast.

Helge Hafting

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