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SubjectRe: Flame Linus to a crisp!
On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 at 10:03:26AM +0200, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-04-24 08:44:00 +0100, Jamie Lokier <>
> wrote in message <>:
> > It only gets _really_ bad when it becomes illegal to make your own
> > hardware :(
> We're basically already at that point. IIRC, I've read an article about
> something called "Super-DMCA" which prevents you (beside other things) to
> build up "systems" that could scrambl/encrypt sounds for pretected
> transmission (think VoIP over ssh or something like that in hardware).

If is really is that generic, it would be the final blow to copyright
protection. As it also makes it illegal to scramble satellite feeds,
pay-only cable tv, or add DRM to music files that are to be distributed
across the internet. I haven't read the Super-DMCA, but that
interpretation doesn't sound right.

What bothers me about DRM schemes is that they typically only protect
the rights of one party. Copyrights provided temporary protection under
law, what happens when the copyright expires? What happens when congress
tags another 30 years to the lifetime of the copyright, and if I move to
or go on holiday to another country that has a different copyright
expiration date.

Are companies required to provide me (as legal owner) of a new copy/CD
when my harddrive breaks, as the new harddrive will probably change the
'trusted' signature of my 'legal playback device'. What if I buy a new
computer/player, and all my licensed applications have to be resigned?

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