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SubjectRe: [Patch?] SiS 746 AGP-Support
On Friday 25 April 2003 02:40, Dave Jones wrote:
> > I don't know, if the following changes are 'clean' but they give me a
> > working agpsupport for my SiS 746Fx based mobo.
> >
> > This (attempt) of a patch is against 2.4.21-rc1:
> Might work fine as long as you have an agp2.0 card in the slot, but the
> minute you put a 3.0 (read as AGPx8) card in there, things are very
> likely to break.
> I've not seen the specs for this chipset, but most of the AGP3 chipsets
> I've seen have a fallback mode in their register set which gets enabled
> as soon as you plug in an AGP2 card. These registers don't get enabled
> with an AGP3 card, instead you need to read from different registers,
> and in most cases, act completly different to decode aperture sizes etc.
> The generic routines in 2.5 *might* work, but are untested on this chipset.
> 2.4 currently has no AGP3 support at all. Some folks did backport what
> I've done in 2.5 a while ago, but I would advise against merging it at
> this stage, as there is still work to be done there, including stability
> fixes. Right there are a number of possible problems which may include
> random memory corruption.
> Dave

I have only a AGP 2 (geforce 4-mx) card, so I missed that(and with one I would
only to be able to say 'it doesn't work' so thanks for your explanation). But
without this changes I won't even able to use dga, because the first
dga-enabled app completely locks up my box.
And to have working AGP2 and non working APG3 looks a lot better for me than
no AGP-support at all.

2.5.* is able to 'mostly' boot on my mobo so I can't say anything about that..

Glück Auf,
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