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SubjectRe: Flame Linus to a crisp!
Timothy Miller wrote:
> One of the things that we could do to accelerate the adoption of Linux
> is to support DRM.

As long as adoption of Linux is the only thing you care about in
the world, that logic certainly works.

> Yes, we know it's evil, but if we are the ones
> developing it, at least we know what it is and is not doing and how it
> works.

You forgot

"Yes, we know it's evil, but if we are the ones developing it, we
can at least be sure that it will be done properly."

as in

"Yes, officer, I know that I shouldn't drive after drinking that
bottle of whisky, but I had to get home, and I'm a good driver
who can handle this."


"Yes, we know it's evil, but if we don't develop it, somebody else

as in

"Yes, officer, I know that I shouldn't have parked here, but if
I hadn't, somebody else would have."

(In the end, I don't think it helps to think of your actions in terms
of "good" or "evil". I find it much more important to consider the
possible consequences, direct and indirect.)

- Werner

/ Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina /
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