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SubjectRe: Fix SWSUSP & !SWAP
I honestly don't see OOMing as an acceptable practice.  If I wanted to 
kill a bunch of stuff just to suspend, I would have simply shut the
system down. That isn't my intent or desire. I want to suspend the
system just as it is without OOMing a bunch of programs.


Pavel Machek wrote:

>>>From: Martin J. Bligh []
>>>Can't you just create a pre-reserved separate swsusp area on
>>>disk the size
>>>of RAM (maybe a partition rather than a file to make things
>>>easier), and
>>>then you know you're safe (basically what Marc was
>>>suggesting, except pre-allocated)? Or does that make me the
>>>prince of all evil? ;-)
>>>However much swap space you allocate, it can always all be
>>>used, so that seems futile ...
>>This is what Other OSes do, and I believe this is the correct path.
>>Using swap for swsusp is a clever hack but not a 100% solution.
>Well, for normal use its clearly inferior -- suspend partition is unused
>when it could be used for speeding system up by swapping out unused
>OtherOS approach is better because it can guarantee suspend-to-disk
>for critical situations like overheat or battery-critical.
>But we can get best of both worlds if we OOM-kill during critical
>suspend. [If suspend partition was not used for swapping, machine
>would *already* OOM-killed someone, so we are only improving stuff].
> Pavel

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