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SubjectRe: Fix SWSUSP & !SWAP

On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 08:36, Marc Giger wrote:
> Ok! I see the advantages / disadvantages of each version. But what
> happens if the memory AND swap space are full and nothing can't be
> freed? When I watch the memory and swap consumption on my laptop, I
> think it's the most time the case...

If you're getting yourself in that situation, you should be increasing
your swap space (and memory if possible) anyway.

> Another question:
> Is it a big problem to save the memory in a separate file on the file
> system, and save somewhere the pointer to it (as example in swap. Also
> we could set a flag in swap so that we now that the last shutdown was
> a hybernation). One Problem will be, that we don't know the filesystem
> type on resume...(We could save the module in swap...)
> All that is just theoretical. It's only a idea.

I guess the simplest answer is would it be worth the pain? Since disk
space is cheap, it just requires a little forethought when installing
Linux, to ensure enough swap is allocated. I certainly understand that
using a file rather than swap makes adjusting the amount of space
available easier, but as you rightly acknowledge, it does complicate
things a fair bit more.


Nigel Cunningham
495 St Georges Road South, Hastings 4201, New Zealand

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not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.
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