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    SubjectRe: [Bug 623] New: Volume not remembered.
    On Wed, 23 April 2003 10:26:38 -0700, Martin J. Bligh wrote:
    > But I fail to understand how the distro can magically set a sensible
    > default, and yet we're unable to do so inside the kernel ? Setting it
    > to something like 10 (or other very quiet setting) would seem reasonable.
    > Then at least the poor user would have a clue what the problem was.

    Pick any number and it will be either too loud or below the fan noise
    for some users, maybe both. The only number that has the same effect
    for all users happens to be the number I personally would prefer as a
    default and the alsa people have chosen.

    What is wrong with 0? Even aunt tilly will figure out what the deal
    it and it depends on the distribution if she can find the right
    solution for this.


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