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SubjectRe: Can one build 2.5.68 with allyesconfig? wrote:

>On Tue, 22 Apr 2003 16:49:03 EDT, Timothy Miller <> said:
>>Is anyone else able to build 2.5.68 with allyesconfig?
>>I'm using RH7.2, so the first thing I did was edit the main Makefile to
>>replace gcc with "gcc3" (3.0.4). Maybe the compiler is STILL my
>1) I think the 3.0.4 compiler had some issues - 3.2.2 may be a better idea.
Great. Why do I have a feeling that installing it will bork my
workstation? Not to say that it can't be done but that I will probably
screw it up. I'm sure that Red Hat (7.2) has some dependencies on there
being 2.96 installed. Any suggestions on how I might deal with this

>2) allyesconfig is probably NOT able to build an actual kernel that will
>work - in particular, there are a number of pairs/sets of drivers that are
>mutually exclusive for a given device. And as you noticed, allyesconfig
>will try to build stuff that's known to be b0rken.
I'm not actually going to run the kernel.

>3) Even if it works, it will be a huge kernel with lots of stuff you almost
>certainly don't need (got an ISDN card? I didn't think so ;). You would more
>likely want to customize the kernel for what you need, or at least consider
>using 'allmodconfig' so you can insmod the parts you need and skip the rest.
I'm trying to do an allyesconfig kernel so that I can get all printk
format strings.

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