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    SubjectRe: [PATCH] new system call mknod64
    Followup to:  <>
    By author: Linus Torvalds <>
    In newsgroup:
    > But that _will_ force aliasing, unless you start doing some really funky
    > things (make the dev_t look more like a UTF-8 unicode-like extension,
    > which is obviously possible). In other words, there will be OTHER values
    > for "dev_t" that will _also_ look like the tuple <3,1>.
    > - other values of dev_t that also look like <3,1> had better act
    > _identically_ to the legacy values. It _has_ to work this way, since
    > otherwise you'd have a total maintenance nightmare, with "ls -l"
    > showing two device files as being identical, yet having different
    > behaviour.

    Actually, the lessons learned from many things including UTF-8 (which
    unfortunately does have aliasing) seems to indicate that the only
    right answer is that noncanonical aliases are *illegal.* If we do
    mapping on the syscall boundary, then the kernel will always report
    canonical form, and we should just throw -EINVAL on receiving a
    noncanonical device number if such a thing can exist at all.

    FWIW, here is a completely alias-free encoding of dev_t which is also
    backwards compatible and hole-free:

    dev_t := major<31:8> . minor<31:8> . major<7:0> . minor<7:0>

    where . is bitwise concatenation. One of the major advantages, other
    that being alias-free, is that the resulting code is free from

    typedef __u64 dev_t;

    static inline __u32 MAJOR(dev_t __d)
    return (__u32)(__d >> 32) & 0xffffff00 |
    (__u32)(__d >> 8) & 0x000000ff;
    static inline __u32 MINOR(dev_t __d)
    return (__u32)(__d >> 8) & 0xffffff00 |
    (__u32)__d & 0x000000ff;
    static inline dev_t MKDEV(__u32 __ma, __u32 __mi)
    return ((dev_t)(__ma & 0xffffff00) << 32) |
    ((dev_t)(__ma & 0x000000ff) << 8) |
    ((dev_t)(__mi & 0xffffff00) << 8) |
    ((dev_t)__mi & 0x000000ff);

    In i386 assembly language, using regcall(%eax,%edx,%ecx):

    movb %ah,%dl
    movl %edx,%eax

    movb %al,%ah
    movb %dl,%al
    rorl $8,%eax

    movl %eax,%ecx
    shll $8,%eax
    movb %dl,%ah
    movb %cl,%al
    shrl $24,%ecx
    movb %cl,%dl
    <> at work, <> in private!
    "Unix gives you enough rope to shoot yourself in the foot."
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