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SubjectRe: BK->CVS,
Ben Collins wrote:

>I hate asking this on top of the work you already provide, but would it
>be possible to allow rsync access to the repo itself? I have atleast 6
>computers on my LAN where I keep source trees (2.4 and 2.5), and it
>would be much less b/w on my metered T1 and on your link aswell if I
>could rsync one main "mirror" of the cvs repo and then point all my
>machines at it.
There is a better tool (for this particular task), called "cvsup". It
does a wonderful job of keeping cvs repositories in synch. I realize I
just asked for a THIRD tool, so it should only go in if the admins are
willing to take care of it.

The idea is that it uses the full duplexity of the channel to get client
side information about the repository on that end while downloading
changes, thus increasing the effective bandwidth. It only falls back to
rsynch if CVS repository specific updates are not possible. I use it on
the Wine repository, and it does, indeed, work very efficiently.

On the negative side - as far as I could tell, neither RedHat nor
Mandrake carry it as a standard package (Debian does, at least in unstable).


Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
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