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SubjectRe: my dual channel DDR 400 RAM won't work on any linux distro
> I've now tried running the following configurations


> and all of them have the same problem: black screen after kernel loads
> they all do seem to test with errors when ran with another module, but they
> also DO NOT test as errors when they're alone

OK... Do you get the same locations failing with one pair of DIMMs as
with another identical pair of DIMMs, or is it just randomly flakey?

> I'm starting to think it's a problem with my motherboard rather than with
> the RAM, because I've tried so many different ways and with different RAM
> modules.. but I don't know for sure..

Are you sure it's not the power supply? If the voltages are only just
within spec, you could concievably get the behavior you describe.

> basically every time I try to run any linux distribution, even if I
> type (mem=XXXM), it just doesn't work...

I wouldn't even bothing trying to run anything on a machine until it
runs Memtest86 for a couple of hours successfully.

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