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SubjectRe: Kernels since 2.5.60 upto 2.5.67 freeze when X server terminates
Florin Iucha wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 01:36:09PM +0200, Petr Cisar wrote:
>>Since 2.5.60, I have been experiencing problems with a complete system freeze or random oopses when the X-server terminates. It is happening on both machines I am using whose hardware configuration differs slightly, however both of them are equipped with ATI video cards (ATI Rage 128 and ATI Radeon 8500), and both of them run the same version of X-server. That's about all they have in common.
>>The version of X-server I am using is:
>>XFree86 Version 4.3.0
>>Release Date: 27 February 2003
>>Since the crash either results in an oops obviously not having to do with the core problem, or the system freezes dead (no ping, no reaction to SysRq key), I don't know how to get some debug information to describe the fault more precisely.
>>Has anyone notyiced similar problems and is there some documentation how to trace such deadly bugs ?
> I got the same problem here:
> AMD Duron 1.2
> SIS 735 chipset
> ATI Radeon 8500
> On 2.5.67 I get freezes with XFree86 4.3.0 . It works fine with 4.2.1 .
> Exactly the same symptoms: the box is dead, no message on the serial
> console.
> florin

According to , a variant
of the problem happens by just exiting from Gnome and running startx

I surely hit bug 543 in 2.5.65 IIRC, and guess what...
ATI Radeon 7500 Mobile - XFree 4.2.1

According to other emails on lkml, it appears that DRM and/or AGP
new kernel code might be at fault. I don't actually remember
seeing non-Radeon cards being hit by such problems though...

When the ex-PC from my brother is supplied a new USB keyboard and
a hard disk I'll try reproducing on its Voodoo5 :)


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