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SubjectRe: 2.5 'what to expect' document.
On Mon, Apr 14, 2003 at 11:08:03PM +0200, Michael Buesch wrote:

> Will it be implemented in future to taint the kernel if CPU is overclocked?

Theoretically possible on most CPUs, but it's not that simple.
- Some CPUs don't encode the necessary bits to tell you their
current multiplier/FSB
- Some CPUs don't encode the necessary info to tell you the speed
the CPU should be running at.

Which leaves those that do have the necessary info..
Which is different per vendor, per family, per model.
That's a lot of tests, and it's not a walk in the park to get
it all right, which is probably why no-one has done it yet.

Alan tried it in the 2.4.early-ac stage, but gave up on it
after a while, after getting lots of reports of it not working
out as planned..


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