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    SubjectRE: kernel support for non-English user messages
    On Fri, 2003-04-11 at 10:21, Riley Williams wrote:
    > 1. If the printk() messages are internationalised, we are going to
    > see log extracts posted here in various languages, including some
    > that the relevant maintainers don't understand. To stand any
    > realistic chance of dealing with the resultant bug reports, we
    > need to include the message code in the report so we can just
    > feed the various reports through a tool that translates them into
    > our preferred language.

    Providing the viewer is translating the originals always exist. Indeed
    you can do

    LANG=es view-logs
    LANG=ru view-logs

    You can have sysadmins with no common language("not a recommended
    configuration" ;))

    You are right about needing to log parameters, but given a log line
    of the form

    %s: went up in flames\n\0eth0\0\0

    that can be handled by the log viewer

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