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    SubjectRe: BitBucket: GPL-ed KitBeeper clone
    >> I think it's possible to get 90% of the functionality that most of us
    >> (or at least I) want without the distributed stuff.
    > No, I really don't think so.
    > The distribution is absolutely fundamental, and _the_ reason why I use BK.
    > Now, it's true that in 90% of all cases (probably closer to 99%) you will
    > never see the really nasty cases Larry was talking about. People just
    > don't rename files that much, and more importantly: then whey do, they
    > very very seldom have anybody else doing the same.
    > But what are you going to do when it happens? Because it _does_ happen:
    > different people pick up the same patch or fix suggestion from the mailing
    > list, and do that as just a small part of normal development. Are the
    > tools now going to break down?

    I'm going to fix it by hand ;-) As long as it stops at a sensible point,
    and clearly barfs and says what the problem is, that's fine by me.

    > BK doesn't. That' skind of the point. Larry

    Right ... I appreciate that. I'd just rather fix things up by hand 1% of
    the time than use Bitkeeper myself. I'm not trying to stop *you* using
    Bitkeeper by any stretch of the imagination ... you probably need the
    heavyweight tools, but I'm OK without them.

    > This is FUNDAMENTAL.
    > And yes, maybe the really hard cases are rare. But does that mean that you
    > aren't going to do it?

    Yup, that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm not saying this as good as bitkeeper,
    I'm saying it's "good enough" for me and I suspect several others (not saying
    it's good enough for you), and significantly better than diff and patch.
    (though cp -lR is *blindingly* fast, and diff understands hard links).


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