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SubjectRe: Delaying writes to disk when there's no need
John Bradford wrote:

>>If the memory does get written to again before the writeout timeout
>>then yeah its used some cpu, memory, pci, etc that it didn't have
>It will presumably also have filled the cache with the writeout data.
What cache?

>>>Ultimately its all a tradeoff. Do you write now, or do you hold off
>>>and hope that you can throw away some of the writes because new stuff
>>>will home in to overwrite them?
>>Yes it is a tradeoff. Having an idle disk gives more weight to "write now".
>Not necessarily. What if you are using a solid state disk which only
>allows a relatively low number of re-write cycles? What if the disk
>is spun down, and spinning it up uses a lot of power? On a laptop,
>you don't necessarily want the disk spinning up just to write one
Yes it does. The factors you mention just add (a lot) more
weight to "hold off".

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