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SubjectRe: vesafb problem
> One not very good way for you to proceed would be to change the
> definition of VMALLOC_RESERVE from (128 << 20) to something like (256
> << 20), which should leave the driver room to ioremap the framebuffer.
> This is a little ugly. However, I don't see why a framebuffer driver
> would need to ioremap _all_ of a video card's memory -- so a better
> solution would be to fix the driver to only ioremap what it needs to.
> Best,
> Roland
> ======================================================
> To see if this is it, booting with mem=512M would be a good test.
> Kind regards,
> Jurriaan

Well, I've answered my own question regarding highmem. Reserving 256MB
ram causes high-mem mapped IO to fail. I can have penguins, but no
filesystems or no penguins and a useable system. I'm guessing that I
could probably turn off HIGHMEM and HIGHMEM-IO and might be able to get
penguins back, but at the cost of reduced system performance. I'm not a
kernel hacker, but I might just see how bad I can break vesafb to remap
only the necessary memory for the requested video mode. Perhaps that
would fix the whole thing?


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