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SubjectRe: [PATCH] ENBD for 2.5.64
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Lincoln Dale wrote:

> while the iSCSI spec has the concept of a "network portal" that can have
> multiple TCP streams for i/o, in the real world, i'm yet to see anything
> actually use those multiple streams.

Want a DEMO? It is call Sync-WAN-Raid-Relay.

> the reason why goes back to how SCSI works. take a ethereal trace of iSCSI
> and you'll see the way that 2 round-trips are used before any typical i/o
> operation (read or write op) occurs.
> multiple TCP streams for a given iSCSI session could potentially be used to
> achieve greater performance when the maximum-window-size of a single TCP
> stream is being hit.
> but its quite rare for this to happen.
> in reality, if you had multiple TCP streams, its more likely you're doing
> it for high-availability reasons (i.e. multipathing).
> if you're multipathing, the chances are you want to multipath down two
> separate paths to two different iSCSI gateways. (assuming you're talking
> to traditional SAN storage and you're gatewaying into Fibre Channel).

Why a SAN gateway switch, they are all LAN limited.

> handling multipathing in that manner is well beyond the scope of what an
> iSCSI driver in the kernel should be doing.
> determining the policy (read-preferred / write-preferred / round-robin /
> ratio-of-i/o / sync-preferred+async-fallback / ...) on how those paths are
> used is most definitely something that should NEVER be in the kernel.

Only "NEVER" if you are depending on classic bloated SAN
hardware/gateways. The very operations you are calling never, is done in
the gateways which is nothing more or less than an embedded system on
crack. So if this is an initiator which can manage sequencing streams, it
is far superior than dealing with the SAN traps of today.

> btw, the performance of iSCSI over a single TCP stream is also a moot one also.
> from a single host (IBM x335 Server i think?) communicating with a FC disk
> via an iSCSI gateway:
> mds# sh int gig2/1
> GigabitEthernet2/1 is up
> Hardware is GigabitEthernet, address is xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
> Internet address is
> MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit
> Port mode is IPS
> Speed is 1 Gbps
> Beacon is turned off
> 5 minutes input rate 21968640 bits/sec, 2746080 bytes/sec,
> 40420 frames/sec
> 5 minutes output rate 929091696 bits/sec, 116136462 bytes/sec,
> 80679 frames/sec
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> 74228360 packets input, 13218256042 bytes
> 15409 multicast frames, 0 compressed
> 0 input errors, 0 frame, 0 overrun 0 fifo
> 169487726 packets output, 241066793565 bytes, 0 underruns
> 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 fifo
> 0 carrier errors

What do you have for real iSCSI and no FC junk not supporting

FC is dying and nobody who has wasted money on FC junk will be interested
in iSCSI. They wasted piles of money and have to justify it.

> not bad for a single TCP stream and a software iSCSI stack. :-)
> (kernel is 2.4.20)

Nice numbers, now do it over WAN.

> >>>Both iSCSI and ENBD currently have issues with pending writes during
> >>>network outages. The current I/O layer fails to report failed writes
> >>>to fsync and friends.
> >
> >...not if your iSCSI implementation is up to spec. ;-)
> >
> >>these are not "iSCSI" or "ENBD" issues. these are issues with VFS.
> >
> >VFS+VM. But, agreed.
> sure - the devil is in the details - but the issue holds true for
> traditional block devices at this point also.

Sweet kicker here, if you only allow the current rules of SAN to apply.
This is what the big dogs want, and no new ideas allowed.


Andre Hedrick
LAD Storage Consulting Group

PS poking back at you for fun and serious points.

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