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SubjectRe: Hardlocks with 2.4.21-pre5, pdc202xx_new (PDC20269) and shared IRQs
Wolfram Schlich wrote:
: > However there is another known problem that does cause deadlocks with
: > the AMD76x, especially if the onboard IDE is used. Shove a PS/2 mouse
: > in the box, reboot and retest - if you dont already have one
: ?! I'm using the onboard IDE for two CDROM drives and one smaller
: hard disk which I use rarely... and I didn't use any of these devices
: in the cases in which I had the described problems... Anyway, why should I
: connect a PS/2 mouse to the machine? Is it gonna solve all my
: problems at once? ;-)

I had a similar problem which has been solved by plugging
in a PS/2 mouse. So far I've got about 10 reports from people where
the PS/2 mouse solved the problem. It seems it is limited only to
the revision 04 of AMD 768 southbridge, and especially the MSI K7D-Master
boards. My lspci looks like this:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-760 MP [IGD4-2P] System Controller (rev 11)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-760 MP [IGD4-2P] AGP Bridge00:07.0 ISA bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-768 [Opus] ISA (rev 04)
00:07.1 IDE interface: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-768 [Opus] IDE (rev 04)

It is even somewhat documented as an official AMD erratum.

This is not a dead-lock per se - but rather a hard lock-up
of the box (the system is totally locked up, even pressing NumLock does
not light the NumLock LED on the keyboard).

However: I also have occasional (less than 1 per week) dead-locks
on this box related probably to NFS or ext3 or NFS-lockd - the system is
OK, only all nfsd and lockd processes are stuck in the "D" state,
sometimes there is also an "exportfs -a" process in the "D" state
(my /etc/exports is generated from database, and I run exportfs
every two hours or so). And I think it is SMP-related, not necessarily
AMD-related. These deadlocks are more often in 2.4.21-pre kernels
than in vanilla 2.4.20. See my previous posts to LKML on this topic as well.


| Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at { - work | - private}> |
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