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    SubjectTesting: What do you want?
    OSNews and LinuxJournal are urging people to test the Linux kernel. I've 
    been doing so for several months now, running the latest kernel live on
    my primary development system. I figure the best way to know if the
    kernel works is to use it when I'm working. ;)

    At the moment, my biggest contribution to kernel development is testing,
    given that I'm not yet comfortable hacking kernel code in public. My
    question is: What do the kernel developers want from testers? What sort
    of reports are helpful? Is there anything in particular that needs
    extensive testing?

    I haven't found a "Guide to Testing the Kernel" anywhere -- perhaps such
    a document exists, but I've missed it. Such a document could provide
    basic information for "testing newbies."

    My experience thus far:
    For the most part, the 2.5 series has worked very well for me, albeit
    with a few glitches (radeonfb, for example, as reported last week.) I'll
    build the 2.5.65 kernel on my Sparc later today, and see how well it
    works there.

    Scott Robert Ladd
    Coyote Gulch Productions (
    Professional programming for science and engineering;
    Interesting and unusual bits of very free code.

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