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SubjectRe: sound card
On Sun, 2003-03-23 08:43:40 +0000, <>
wrote in message <>:
> I don't know exactly which card is on my friends board

Oh, come on. Is it onboard? Is it an add-on card? What does "lspci" tell
you? What mainboard is it? Please, if there's no other way, take a
screwdriver and have a look. If you fail to guess (looking at your
friend's machine), how can you expect us to correctly guess? And guess -
your question is most probably also off-topic...

> i thought it is soundblaster and tried ioport=0x220 which i found on the
> net.But it didn't work.SO is there any way of finding the address ?
> or any list to guess 0x230 etc

Just out of the courious, if that's a "modern" (read: inexpensive
mass-marked) computer, then it's most probable a SB Live (emu10k) or an
AC97 based codec. Google for that, but first look at "lspci" output.
It's most probably there...

> pnpdump shows

Are you *sure* this sound card is an ISA add-on card or ISA-based
connected to your friend's box? Most probably not...


Jan-Benedict Glaw . +49-172-7608481
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