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    SubjectLinux-2.4.20 modem control

    Hello any tty gurus,

    If a modem is connected to /dev/ttyS0 and a getty (actually agetty)
    is associated with that device, one can log-in using that modem.

    This is how we've operated for many years. But, Linux version 2.4.20
    presents a new problem.

    When a logged-in caller logs out, it is mandatory for the modem
    to disconnect. This has previously been done automatically when
    the terminal is closed. The closing of the tasks file-descriptors
    will eventually call tty_hangup() and the modem would (previously)
    hang up.

    Something has changed so that the hang-up sequence doesn't happen if
    agetty has already opened the terminal for another possible connection.
    It used to be that the caller, calling close(), did not get control
    back until the modem had been hung up. This prevented another agetty
    from opening that terminal for I/O because the previous task had not
    completed its exit procedure until the terminal was hung up.

    Now, the hang-up sequence appears to be queued. It can (and does)
    happen after the previous terminal owner has expired and another
    owner has opened the device. This makes /dev/ttyS0 useless for remote

    It needs to be, that a 'close()' of a terminal, configured as a modem,
    cannot return to the caller until after the DTR has been lowered, and
    preferably, after waiting a few hundred milliseconds. Without this,
    once logged in, the modem will never disconnect so a new caller
    can't log in.

    With faster machines, it is not sufficient to just lower DTR. One
    needs to lower DTR and then wait. This is because the next task
    can open that terminal in a few hundred microseconds, raising
    DTR again. This is not enough time for the modem to hang up because
    there is "glitch-filtering" on all modem-control leads. The hang-up
    event won't even be seen by the modem.

    So, either the modem control needs to be reverted to its previous
    functionality or `agetty` needs to hang up its terminal when it
    starts, which seems backwards. In other words, the user of kernel
    services should not have to compensate for a defect in the logic
    of that service.

    I have temporarily "fixed" this problem by modifying `agetty`.
    Can the kernel please be fixed instead?

    Dick Johnson
    Penguin : Linux version 2.4.20 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
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