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SubjectRe: [ANNOUNCE] BK->CVS (real time mirror)

> > As far as I can see, linux-2.5 repository has over 17000 ChangeSets,
> > that means half the granularity.
> I assume this has already been answered since this is Monday morning
> and I haven't finished my mountain of email (I try not to read it on
> weekends), but I will answer this anyway.
> The ChangeSet file has many csets and we only capture around 1/2 of
> them in CVS ChangeSet file. The extra ChangeSets are grouped together
> with the merge cset where they were added to the path we are
> recording. That is correct, but it is not the whole story.
> What happens is that most csets modifiy a non overlapping set of
> files. So while we didn't get every delta to the ChangeSet file, we
> did capture >90% of the actual changes to the source files in the
> tree.

Oh, so there's extra magic.

Question, through: why is it impossible / infeasible to use CVS
branches to capture *full* information? Merge would then say
"(changeset 1.2345, merge from" or similar...


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