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SubjectRe: gcc 2.95 vs 3.21 performance
Andi Kleen wrote:

>If you want small and fast use lcc.
>Unfortunately it's not completely free (some weird license), doesn't
>really support real inline assembly and generates rather bad code compared
>to gcc.
>I'm still looking forward to Open Watcom ( -
>they are near self hosting on Linux. The inline assembly is very VC++ style
>though; very different from gcc and worse you have to write it in
>Intel syntax.
>Another alternative would be TenDRA, but it also has no inline assembly
>and it's C understanding can be only described as "fascist".
>If you don't care about free software you could also use the Intel
>compiler, which seems to be often faster in compile time than gcc now
>and can already compile kernels.
There is also tcc (
It claims to support gcc-like inline assembler, appears to be much
smaller and faster than gcc. Plus it is GPL so the liscense isn't a
problem either.
Though, I am not really sure of the quality of code generated or of how
mature it is.


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