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SubjectRe: Kernel 2.5 input layer info?
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 12:07:06 -0800
"Kendall Bennett" <> wrote:

| I have heard about the new 2.5 input layer work that is being done in the
| kernel, and I am interested in using this for a userland mouse/keyboard
| daemon I am looking at building. The intention of the daemon is to
| provide a common interface for event driven mouse and keyboard
| applications (ie: XFree86, Qt/E, SDL, MGL, SVGALib etc) on Linux. Since
| it appears that a lot of work is already being done on a new set of event
| driven input layers in the kernel, what I would like to do is build this
| daemon such that it will use the new 2.5 kernel interfaces when they are
| available, but fall back on the old compatible methods when not.
| Essentially I am planning on taking the existing XFree86 code and using
| it to make a common user land input daemon.
| Anyway, let me know if you think this is a good idea, bad idea or if
| there is a better way to do it. The new input interfaces sound like a
| great idea, but we are looking for something that will work on as many
| versions of Linux as possible.
| Finally where can I find more information on the new input interfaces in
| the 2.5 kernel? I just downloaded the latest 2.5.63 release and will take
| a look at it, but if there are any external docs on this I would like to
| peruse them first.

Linux Console project:
Linux Input drivers: (not recent)
Possibly these:

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